
CP not a cure-all for advanced corrosion

As a corrosion engineer, I field plenty of questions about corrosion protection (CP) and our niche technology. One person recently asked me if CP could be effective in extending the life of a rusted, 66-year-old pipe. If nothing is done, the pipe will last about two more years. It has had some leaks.

The short answer is yes, because CP can stop further damage on infrastructures with advanced corrosion. Tests should be conducted to determine the physical integrity of the pipeline. If it is physically OK and can be repaired, then the final decision rests with the owner and it is a economic/management decision they must make.

Today, there a number of tests that the engineer can conduct to determine the integrity of a pipeline and to greatly extend its life. There are even older pipelines still operating with functioning CP systems. The age of the pipeline isn’t the determining factor.

Got questions of your own? Drop me a line in the comments section, and I'll try to answer it in a future post.



  • There's now some piece of metal/aluminium I'm not sure...that can be installed/fixed on a pipe and eliminate corrosion and scaling in the pipeline via a amplitude/wave....i'm not really sure....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At May 1, 2007, 11:52:00 AM  

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